
Law firm pricing was one of the key takeaways from the Legal Marketing Association’s 2013 Annual Conference, according to the May/June 2013 issue of Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing. The conference was held on April 8-10 in Las Vegas. Strategies offers this summary (which I presume was influenced by the conference’s only pricing session: “Pricing, Profitability […]


American Lawyer Media has released its latest law firm pricing report: Alterntaive Fee Arrangements at Legal Departments and Law Firms ( April 2013). The special report highlights six key findings: 95% of law firms say they are using AFAs, down from 99% 22% of law deparments use AFAs for more than half of their work, […]


The last 15 months has witnessed a dramtic surge in the topic of law firm pricing: more events, more stories, more jobs. The events (see my EVENTS page) and stories (see my ARTICLES page) are fairly easy to identify. The jobs, however, are a bit more elusive, as pricing professionals have been a rather exclusive club. […]


In my latest writing – ”Driving Revenue: Value, Value Propositions and Value-Based Pricing” (ALA Legal Management, March 2013) — I offer a basic outline for defining value, communicating value and pricing value. Part One, Defining Value, was posted on March 5. Part Two, Communicating Value, was posted on March 12. Here is Part Three: Pricing Value.


In my latest writing — “Driving Revenue: Value, Value Propositions and Value-Based Pricing” (ALA Legal Management, March 2013) — I offer a basic outline for defining value, communicating value and pricing value. Part One, Defining Value, was posted on March 5. Here is Part Two, Communicating Value.