Archive Tag: Value

The Defining Four: Price, Pricing, Pricing Strategy, Strategic Pricing

How can such a simple word, price, cause so much confusion? For years, the legal industry has been focused on calculating better price tags and devising creative fee arrangements, all in the name of Pricing. Unfortunately, Pricing is not the same as Price, nor is Price synonymous with Pricing Strategy or Strategic Pricing. It is […]


“Every client wants lower fees; no client wants lower value.” Ten simple words encapsulate a law firm’s true business objective: offering value. To be successful, law firms must look past marketing campaigns, business development initiative, and even pricing strategies to get at the heart of their business model: value. TWO VALUES, ONE FORMULA If “value […]


Aderant recently released “The Emergence of Tigers and Bears and Other Law Firm Trends,” its third legal technology industry survey since 2010. Although the report focuses on technology investment, one question has focused on law firm pricing. The five-year trend is worth noting:   We could speculate endlessly on the reasons for the great disparity between small and large […]


I guess it is human nature to have a spark of ingenuity without knowing its origin. Last summer, while working on the value chapter of my forthcoming law firm pricing book, I came across the work of Aaron Kuehn. Kuehn, an American graphic artist, creates typograms: complex systems depicted entirely typographically using only the names […]


How much is a pint of ice cream worth to you: $2.19, 4.49, 11.99? Well, that depends on how much you like (“value”) ice cream. Which is precisely why, if you haven’t perused the frozen food aisle lately, there are dozens of brand offerings–from bargain to premium–available for shoppers to consume. A few days ago, Carl Richards, a […]